Thursday, February 17, 2011

Faerie's Child

 "When we are touched by something, it is as if we're being brushed by an angel's wings."  --Rita Dove 

How To Keep Your Faerie Happy:
  • Singing is the best way to keep them happy, especially lively silly songs.
  • Dancing is the next best thing to singing
  • When you have cake or any sweet dessert do not eat every last crumb, leave some on your plate for the fairies
  • Pick only the flowers you plant in the garden, and never the last one blooming
  • Always pick up your litter; this really gets them in a spin if you leave your trash blowing in the wind
 --I have this on the best authority, J.M. Barrie, auther of Peter Pan


This is the year of the faerie! I'm always on the lookout for children with a certain look. Send me a snapshot of your son or daughter to be considered, and if he or she is chosen, your session will be complementary.  You will also be provided with a complementary print to remember your experience. My goal is to create a calendar by the end of the year featuring faeries, woodland sprites, pixies, and maybe even even a hobgoblin or two!

        * Three girls and three boys, under the age of six, who can take some 
          direction during a photo shoot.

        * Must love to play-act, as that is what we'll be doing during the shoot.

        * Slight resemblance to woodland nymph or Tinkerbell would help;    
          wavy red or auburn hair for boys or girls; dark hair and green or blue 
          eyes; identical twins.

        * Email a recent snapshot to me at

        * Feel free to contact me at any time at 858-481-2633

        * You will receive one professionally enhanced 8x10 of your little one

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sibling Love

"Mission Statement:  I want to be 100% sure that no matter how fast your children grow up, you'll always have delightful and heart-warming photographs of how they once were; to help you remember the little things long after they've been forgotten; and most importantly to reflect  their own distinct personalities, style and spirit in a way that will steal your heart!" - Leslie Hoffman
Oh, how I love watching these two boys grow up....and just when I thought they couldn't get any cuter, and their mom couldn't get any hotter! I photographed them several years ago at the old Del Mar train station. What an awesome backdrop for photos! This time around, we combined shooting in my front gardens with a walk around the neighborhood on a beautifully crisp autumn day, right before a storm pulled in.They  did just about anything I asked of them - gotta love it! Play in the leaves? Sure. Hold hands? Sure. Margo, thank you so much for once again trusting me to photograph your family. You are all very special, in so many ways.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Not of This World

"When we are touched by something, it is as if we're being brushed by an angel's wings."  --Rita Dove

This is the year of the faerie! I'm always on the lookout for children with a certain look. Send me a snapshot of your son or daughter to be considered, and if he or she is chosen, your session will be complementary.  You will also be provided with a complementary print to remember your experience. My goal is to create a calendar by the end of the year featuring faeries, woodland sprites, pixies, and maybe even even a hobgoblin or two!

        * Three girls and three boys, under the age of six, who can take some 
          direction during a photo shoot.

        * Must love to play-act, as that is what we'll be doing during the shoot.

        * Slight resemblance to woodland nymph or Tinkerbell would help;    
          wavy red or auburn hair for boys or girls; dark hair and green or blue 
          eyes; identical twins.

        * Email a recent snapshot to me at

        * Feel free to contact me at any time at 858-481-2633

        * You will receive one professionally enhanced 8x10 of your little one

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Calling all Fairies

"Faeries are a reminder of a world we all once lived in, when we had a connection to the earth itself. They are spiritual personifications of the hidden aspects of the world's workings. They are the keepers of natural wisdom, and we dismiss them at our own peril." -Brian Froud


This is the year of the faerie! I'm always on the lookout for children with a certain look. Send me a snapshot of your son or daughter to be considered, and if he or she is chosen, your session will be complementary.  You will also be provided with a complementary print to remember your experience. My goal is to create a calendar by the end of the year featuring faeries, woodland sprites, pixies, and maybe even even a hobgoblin or two!

  • Three girls and three boys, under the age of six, who can take some direction during a photo shoot.

  • Must love to play-act, as that is what we'll be doing during the shoot.

  • Slight resemblance to woodland nymph or Tinkerbell would help; wavy red or auburn hair for boys or girls; dark hair and green or blue eyes; identical twins.

  • Feel free to contact me at any time at 858-481-2633

  • You will receive one professionally enhanced 8x10 of your little one to remember your special fantasy experience.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Childhood is Calling

"Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still."  -Dorthea Lange
Sorry for the overload. I just had so many good shots from this session that I couldn't help myself!  These two sweet sisters are so beautiful and sweet-tempered that we simply kept the session rolling along... long after most children of this age would have given up. It was as if, at one point, they just accepted the camera and allowed it to see right into them. And I like to tell myself they loved it as much as I did!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Full of Wonder

"There is an unseen life that dreams us.  It knows our true direction and destiny." --John O'Donohue
I know I've said it before, but it must be said again: I am so incredibly lucky with the gorgeous array of children I get to photograph. Their hearts are as beautiful as their little faces.  Jade is a perfect example of this.  An utterly enchanting little girl, as she and her parents drove up my driveway for the very first time, Jade said, "Mommy, I've been here before."  And again, at the end of our session, I had promised Jade we could blow bubbles together and I took a piece of wire and shaped it into a heart to dip into the soapy liquid.  I came to find out that earlier in the day, Jade had asked her dad if heart-shaped bubbles come out of heart-shaped wands. So now I feel a wonderful connection to this little angel, and I hope she stays in my life for a long time.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Share The Love

"We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano de Crescenzo

When I first met Jane for a short consultation before the session, I asked a few questions about her family so I could start planning for the best location, what to wear, and what mood to try and create.  Jane began by describing her two girls in the most loving, proud way. Then she got a glow about her like a lovesick teenager as she said, "And my husband? He's handsome."

I'll never forget that moment. A proud mother and a woman in love is truly a magical thing to behold.  And Jane was absolutely right....her husband is handsome!